Monday, May 9, 2016

Overthinking it all.

As I started to embark on this new writing direction, a flood of ideas came to mind.  I did a couple of drafts of different ideas.  These drafts are close to what I like to publish, but lack something that make me comfortable publishing it. 

Then I got to thinking.......Do these drafts lack something or I am overthinking it? is something I have always done.  I have never been accused of underthinking everything.  My father made an interesting observation a couple years ago about my thought process.  It went something like this.......he said you think fast.  Very fast.  You see almost every permutation of a situation.  You worked it thought your brain and come to a conclusion or decision.  The frustrating part for people around you is that when you go to explain your decision making process, you skip through all or a lot of the parts of that process, and present your conclusion or decision.  And people get frustrated that you do not share your thought process.

Yes - this is true.

But he went on.......then when you do share your thought process, it is apparent that you think differently than most people.   

In fact as I sit writing this, in my mind I begin to see how each word, sentence and paragraph create this 3D flow chart in my mind.   Does this mean that I know how I am going to conclude this post.  No, but yes.  

But is seeing all possibilities necessarily a bad thing?  It can be when it inhibits performance or postpones in making a decision.  

So in overthinking what I write, how I write, how it will be perceived, et al., I allow my words to become a prisoner of my anxiety-ridden, completely worrisome, overthinking nature.  

This post hopefully will motivate me to set aside that innate nature and put my writings out there.

Thanks for indulging my pseudo-cathartic overthinking.
As always, thanks for reading; more to come.